In the uppermost example, we have a square containing a small circle a little to the right of the center in one member and a little to the left in the other. If you view the figure with both eyes, using the stereoscope or partition method, you should see the circle no longer in the plane of the screen but standing out in front of it about an inch or so. Similarly, you should see the second figure as a circle behind the plane of the screen. You see the circle in front or behind the screen because your retinas are getting exactly the same information they would get if the circle were in front or behind. In 1960 Bela Julesz, at Bell Telephone Laboratories, invented an ingenious, highly useful method for demonstrating stereopsis: a figure will at first glance seem like a uniformly random mass of tiny triangles--and indeed it is except for a concealed larger triangle in the center part. If it is seen through pieces of colored cellophane, red over one eye and green over the other, the center-triangle region stands out in front, just as the circle in the illustrations here did. Reversing the cellophane windows would reverse the depth. The usefulness of these Julesz patterns is that the triangle standing out in front or receding can not possibly be seen without one's having intact stereopsis. To sum up, our ability to see depth depends on five principles: 1. We have many cues to depth, such as occlusion, parallax, rotation of objects, relative size, shadow casting, and perspective. Probably the most important cue is stereopsis. 2. If we fixate on, or look at, a point in space, the images of the point on our two retinas fall on the two foveas. Any point judged to be the same distance away as the point fixated casts its two images on corresponding retinal points. 3. Stereopsis depends on the simple geometric fact that as an object gets closer to us, the two images it casts on the two retinas become outwardly displaced, compared with corresponding points. 4. The central fact of stereopsis--a biological fact learned from testing people--is this: an object whose images fall on corresponding points in the two retinas is perceived as being the same distance away as the point fixated. When the images are outwardly displaced relative to corresponding points, the object is seen as nearer than the fixated point, and when the displacement is inward, the object is seen as farther away. 5. Horizontal displacements greater than about 2 degrees or vertical displacements of over a few minutes of arc lead to double vision.